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Traffic Disruptions Sunday, March 30:  please be advised that segments of Plains Rd. W. and York Boulevard will be reduced to one lane for the Around the Bay Road Race. RBG Centre and Rock Garden will remain open.


Birding at RBG

Royal Botanical Gardens provides easy access to some of the most diverse birding in Ontario.

The birding experience can be as relaxing as watching nighthawks and swifts during the evening summer music series in Hendrie Park, or as dramatic as a hike out to the Spencer Creek delta to see 1000s of swallows and blackbirds. Try visiting the Garden areas during spring bloom festivals. Common species include Broadwing Hawks during Rock Garden spring ephemerals, Rose-breasted Grosbeaks during Arboretum lilacs, Baltimore Orioles during Laking Garden irises, and Chimney Swifts during Hendrie Park roses.

Birds can be found all throughout RBG’s Nature Sanctuaries, home to 27km of trails, spanning across wetlands, grasslands, and forests. The trails traverse challenging landscapes and as such are classed as wilderness trails, generally 1m wide with most trails containing hill sections with steep grades climbing or descending 15m.

  • Male Cardinal on Branch
  • Hooded Merganser Bird Floating in Water
  • Mallard Floating in Marsh
  • White Breasted Nuthatch on Branch
  • Woodpecker On Side Of Tree In Winter

Birding Locations

Birds can be found all throughout RBG’s Nature Sanctuaries, home to 27km of trails, spanning across wetlands, grasslands, and forests.

Birders can find access points at Princess Point (South Cootes Paradise), Rock Chapel (Escarpment Property), Westdale, Cherry Hill Gate (Hendrie Valley), Rock Garden, Laking Garden and the Arboretum.

Looking for a guide? Sign up for one of RBG’s organized birding programs at

What Bird Species Can I Find at RBG?

Almost any species can be spotted at the right time of the year, and with our nature sanctuaries located at the head of Lake Ontario and sheltered by the Niagara Escarpment there are always birds present. The trail system provides intimate experiences and observation platforms into a variety of habitats including the largest remaining coastal marshes on western Lake Ontario, old growth forests, meadows, exposed escarpment edges, and the garden areas themselves. Annually about 300 species can be observed, most are migrants, with about 100 species found on site in the summer.

Report your Sightings with iNaturalist

“One of the world’s most popular nature apps, iNaturalist helps you identify the plants and animals around you. Get connected with a community of over a million scientists and naturalists who can help you learn more about nature! What’s more, by recording and sharing your observations, you’ll create research quality data for scientists working to better understand and protect nature. iNaturalist is a joint initiative by the California Academy of Sciences and the National Geographic Society.”

iNaturalist logo featuring bird illustration

Over 200 Species Observed!

Bird Biodiversity & Conservation

RBG is dominated by the Cootes Paradise Nature Reserve, a Nationally Important Bird Area at the head of Lake Ontario, and surrounded by the Niagara Escarpment. Its most easily accessible site is Princess Point at the south east corner of the marsh. The most spectacular and isolated location is the Marsh Boardwalk Platform overlooking the Spencer Creek delta. The site is accessed from the Arboretum and is adjacent to the Hopkins Woods and Spencer Creek Special Protection Areas. Concentrations of birds and species at this location are often awe inspiring and are highlighted by the year round resident Bald Eagles.

The Long Watch and Marsh Monitoring Program are two volunteer programs keeping tabs on bird numbers, and numerous conservation projects are underway to maintain and restore habitat.

To participate in scientific bird monitoring and conservation projects at RBG, please contact us.

Impacts of Wildlife Feeding on RBG Trails

Wildlife in RBG’s nature sanctuaries have a problem — and the problem is overfeeding. A recent study discovered that the frequency and amount of feeding wildlife in hotspot areas such as Hendrie Valley Nature Sanctuary is doing far more harm than good.

Birding Workshops

Join us for a guided birding tour with an expert! Programs available on select dates throughout the year. Pre-registration required. Learn more at

All Upcoming Courses & Workshops

Birding Resources

Learn more about birding at Royal Botanical Gardens and beyond with tips, guides, articles, and more!

Birding Videos

Birding Blogs

Birding Links

Shop Birding Products

Looking for some resources to take with you on the trails? First, stop in at Shop at the Gardens in RBG Centre (680 Plains Rd. W.) and we can help you get started! Choose from a wide selection of books, field guides, pamphlets, and more to help on your next birding excursion!

Visit for hours and more information.

Learn More

Support Conservation at RBG

These conservation projects are possible thanks to the generous support of RBG Members and donors. With a donation to Growing up Green, you can ensure an active, vibrant and healthy future for the children of today and tomorrow through our horticultural and conservation projects.

Royal Botanical Gardens (RBG) is the largest botanical garden in Canada, a National Historic Site, and registered charitable organization with a mandate to bring together people, plants and nature.