Membership | Price (+HST) |
Single | $85/year |
Single Plus | $120/year |
Family | $130/year |
Family Plus | $175/year |
Contributing | $300/year |
Supporting | $600/year |
Sustaining | $1,000/year |
Benefactor's Circle | $2,500/year |
Director's Circle | $5,000/year |
President's Circle | $10,000/year |
Eclipse Viewing Experience – SOLD OUT
Event Description
This experience has reached its full capacity. Due to limited parking availability at our properties, we encourage visitors to explore other viewing options throughout Hamilton to experience this celestial event.
For the safety of our guests and staff, access to the Arboretum will be closed to all non-ticketed visitors on April 8th.
Ticket holders to this event will be able to access the Arboretum beginning at 12 PM.
Eclipse photos courtesy Dr. David Galbraith

Eclipse Timing
Total Duration: 2h, 27m, 16s. Duration of totality at the Arboretum: 1m, 28s
- Partial eclipse begins: 2:03:52 p.m.
- Full eclipse begins: 3:18:21 p.m.
- Maximum eclipse: 3:19:05 p.m.
- Full eclipse ends: 3:19:49 p.m.
- Partial eclipse ends: 4:31:08 p.m.
- Parking is VERY limited! Pre-Registration required
- $15/vehicle (+HST & $1 Service Fee)
- Complimentary for RBG Members (pre-registration still required)
Parking remains free for RBG members displaying their membership card and parking pass, however members should also pre-book their parking to avoid disappointment as space is incredibly limited.
The Arboretum is located at 16 Old Guelph Road, Hamilton ON.
Parking is available in 3 lots: Rasberry House (north), Parking Circle (central) and Entry Gate (east). Your parking reservation does not guarantee a space in any specific lot; you will be directed upon arrival. See the image below to familiarize yourself with the locations, and the distance to various collections. Accessible parking spaces are available in the Parking Circle.

About the Eclipse
One of nature’s greatest spectacles will be taking place on Monday 8 April 2024 in parts of North America: A total solar eclipse! A solar eclipse occurs when the moon completely blocks the light from the sun for a short time. They happen somewhere on earth fairly frequently, but it can be a long time between total solar eclipses in any one place.
On 8 April the sun will be blocked by the moon across a path from Mexico, crossing the United States, to the Maritime provinces of Canada. This path happens to cross over the southern part of southern Ontario too! Although everyone in southern Ontario will see the sun at least partly covered by the disk of the moon, only the southernmost area will be in complete shadow for a time, and Hamilton is within the path of the total eclipse!
Hamilton will experience nearly 2 1/2 hours of the moon’s shadow covering at least part of the sun, starting at 2:03 PM and ending at 4:31 PM. Totality, the period when the sun is completely behind the moon, will occur at 3:19 pm and last about 90 seconds. At that time of day the sun will be in the southwest sky, about 40˚ above the horizon. Totality will last longer if you go south of Hamilton.
Learn More:
Viewing the Eclipse Safely
Solar eclipses are wonderful natural events and well worth taking in if you can! However, it’s very important that anyone observing an eclipse do so safely. While the moon will be blocking the visible light from the sun all of the sun’s UV radiation will still be coming at us! This is because the UV light comes mostly from the corona, the outer layers of the sun that will not be behind the moon. Fortunately there are great safe options, such as observing the sun through mylar eclipse glasses that are available from several sources.
RBG will provide complimentary eclipse viewing glasses on the day of the event (while supplies last).
Warning: Looking directly at the during an eclipse without designated viewing glasses (ISO 12312-2 international standard) can cause serious damage such as partial or complete loss of eyesight. Regular sunglasses are not sufficient!
More Eclipse Experiences
Speaker Event: Chasing the Sun
March 27, 7 to 9 p.m.; Rock Garden
Prepare for the upcoming eclipse with a special talk by David Makepeace. Learn about Solar Eclipses how they changed David’s life.
Portable Planetarium Experience
Weekends, March 30 to April 7; RBG Centre
RBG is pleased to welcome the McMaster University Physics and Astronomy Department and its Portable Planetarium.
Other Hamilton Viewing Locations
Monday, April 8; Multiple locations
The City of Hamilton is designating multiple viewing locations for visitors and those looking to gather with other eclipse watchers.
@jwsmithphotography (IG)