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March Hours: RBG Centre / Hendrie Park Open Tuesdays to Sundays for Alice in Bloomland, CLOSED Mondays.

Welcome to the NEW

May 6, 2020

Connect with nature in a brand-new way with the new RBG.CA!

As we all do our best to safely celebrate the emergence of spring, Royal Botanical Gardens is excited to launch the new and improved, designed with your interests in mind so you can connect to the beauty of our gardens from your smart phone, tablet or desktop, in a brand new way.

Our new website boasts improved navigation and a colourful new design so you can find what you need, when you need it, and tailor your own, unique experience from all RBG has to offer. Whether your passion is plants, cultural events, your own special event, or simply connecting to the great outdoors, the new is here to serve as your roadmap in planning that next adventure.  The new site also makes it easier for you to support the important work RBG does through donation.

Tell us what you think! While we’re delighted to offer our community and dedicated members a new way to experience RBG, we’re always looking to serve you better and improve your experience. Provide feedback at the form below.

We understand that present circumstances prevent us from letting you into our gardens, but we’re still celebrating our blooms and offering a ton of unique online experiences as part of RBG at Home. RBG at Home brings the outdoors indoors, providing you and your family with a touch of nature through a weekly lineup of videos, interactive online programs for students and teachers, family activity ideas, gardening tips, adult learning and more.

Check back often as the At Home team is always working on new, feel-good experiences to bring into your home.

Most importantly, the team at RBG asks you to stay safe so we can see you at the Gardens again soon and celebrate the beauty of the natural world together.

Tell us what you think!

While we’re delighted to offer our community and dedicated members a new way to experience RBG, we’re always looking to serve you better and improve your experience.