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What’s in Bloom? April at RBG
What Blooms in April?
Note: this is a general guide of what typically blooms this month at RBG. Bloom periods may vary by up to 2 weeks. For the best view of what’s blooming right now at RBG, see the current photos on RBG’s Instagram, or find the “Bloom Watch” section on the What’s in Bloom page.
The Gardens and Nature Sanctuaries are springing into action at the start of another growing season! From delicate and ephemeral flowering trees to bright bulbs and perennials, the gardens are starting to come alive in the spring months.
At the start of April, you’re welcomed to RBG Centre by a carpet of Crocus across the Main Entrance lawn. Tips of spring bulbs can be spotted coming up throughout the display beds which is a welcome sign assuring that bloom season is right around the corner.
Pictured: Pasque Flower, Cornelian Cherry, Hyacinth, Daffodils, Netted Iris
Laking Garden reopens for the season on Friday, April 5. Keep an eye out for the early bloomers, such as spring ephemerals and Netted Iris early in the month. As spring unfolds, don’t miss the thousands of Daffodils blooming across the terraced landscape.
While strolling through Hendrie Park, keep an eye out for low blooms such as Pasque Flower and Hyacinth. For a real treat, be sure to loop through Kippax Garden to see the early spring wildflowers such as Trout Lily and Hepatica bloom.
After the spring thaw, Rock Garden‘s winding and sloped garden paths are open again to explore! Here you’ll find Witch-hazel, Winter Aconite, Rockcress, and Forsythia blooming in April. Towards the end of the month be on the look out for the first flowering cherry blossoms of the season!
With warm spring days ahead, it won’t be long before tulips and daffodils bloom in our outdoor gardens. Until then, a spin around the Breezeway at RBG Centre with hold you over. The spring display is bursting with a rainbow of Ranunculus, Hyacinth, Tulips, and Daffodils in the Breezeway. Don’t miss this display during your visit to the latest exhibit: Nature’s Superheroes.
Pictured, left to right: Hepatica, American Hazelnut, Bloodroot, Star Magnolia, Cherry Blossom
From delicate and ephemeral wild plants and flowering trees to beautiful migrating birds, every spring visit to the Arboretum brings a new adventure. The first of the flowering trees and shrubs are the Red Maples, Viburnum, and Cornelian Cherry Dogwood, and Star Magnolia. As an access point to many wonderful nature trails, you’ll also discover forest wildflowers coming into bloom including Bloodroot and Hepatica, while the woodland shrub American Hazelnut flaunts its brilliant yellow catkins.
At RBG’s What’s In Bloom page, you will find estimated bloom times / months of interest for several RBG’s collections. Please bear in mind that if we experience an early or late spring, bloom times could shift up to 10 days earlier or 10 days later.
April Favourites

Spring Hiking
Discover native spring ephemerals coming into bloom! Explore RBG’s Nature Sanctuaries with 27km of hiking trails through Hamilton and Burlington.

Breezeway Display
Tulips join the mix of bright blooms indoors at RBG Centre. After a visit to the winter exhibit: Frogs! make sure to see the rainbow of Ranunculus, Daffodil, Hyacinth, Hellebore and a mix of various Primula species in the Breezeway.
Plants of Interest in April at RBG
- Crocus (RBG Centre)
- Spring Breezeway display: Tulips, daffodil, ranunculus, and hyacinth (RBG Centre)
- Native Spring Ephemerals – Bloodroot, Hepatica (Nature Sanctuaries, Hendrie Park)
- Hyacinth (Hendrie Park, Laking Garden)
- Double Bloodroot (Rock Garden)
- Netted Iris (Laking Garden)
- Daffodil (Laking Garden, Rock Garden, Hendrie Park)
- Star Magnolia (Arboretum)
- Viburnum (Arboretum)
- Cornelian Cherry Dogwood (Arboretum)
- Cherry Blossoms (Late April, Rock Garden and Arboretum)
- Skunk Cabbage (Nature Sanctuaries)
Blooms by Season
Plants of interest are ever-changing in RBG’s five cultivated garden areas and nature sanctuaries. Learn what’s blooming now or see the blooms calendar for a rough estimation of what to expect each season.